Android L2TP VPN

We have used Android 6 to create this guide.

1. Press "Menu" button on your device and go to "Settings".

2. Tap on "More..." and go to "VPN".

3. On this step (or any further steps) you may be asked to create a lock screen PIN-code or password to use a credential storage. This is needed to save your VPN login and password, so you do not have to enter them every time.

4. Tap on "+" option.

5. Click on the "PPTP" under "Type" option.

6. This will open a list of possible connection types. Choose "L2TP/IPSec PSK" from the list.

7. Enter any name like "Cienen" as "Name". Enter the server address in "Server address" field. Enter the Pre-Shared Key in "IPSec pre-shared key" field. Check "Show advanced options". Then under "DNS servers" enter "" and tap "Save".

8. Now you should see the connection in the list. Tap on it.

9. Authorization window will appear. Enter your VPN account username and password and select "Save account information". Then press "Connect" button.

Note: When the VPN is connected the key icon should appear at the top bar.